
可爱的团友,亲切的交流,虽然只有6天的行程,但天天都是享受的,旅行嘛~ 最重要和团友相处融洽! :)

难忘… … 肉质结实又不失嫩滑的“海南4大名菜”之一《文昌鸡》、景色壮丽迷人高达108米世界级的《南山海上观音》、别具意义的中国最南方《天涯海角》、极具热带气息的旅游胜地《亚龙湾》,还少不了驰名的兴隆咖啡!

从海口到兴隆,再到三亚,在海南岛留下了我和团友们的足迹。当然,我们也从海南岛带回了难忘的记忆… …

Collage of my beautiful memories
on my maiden trip to Hainan Island 21-26 Oct 2011.

Today is the last day of June, which means half of 20-eleven is gone.

Today like any other day of this week, I’m very busy at work.

Today like any other day of my life, I’m feeling lazy.

Today is a cooling day after a long long rain.

Today I bid goodbye to my favourite month of the year… … June, when I never fail to feel so much LOVE.

Love, June

自从2003年参与学生交流计划,毕业后我也曾到杭州和老同学,老朋友重逢,不过这次不同,因为有好友同行,我们当年就在杭州念书、生活,一起经历的一切,一直都是我们人生当中精彩的一页… …

第一站: 上海
先到上海和在那里工作的好朋友会面,好友相聚一定要吃吃喝喝才开心嘛! 哈哈~

我超爱的水煮鱼,又麻~又辣~… 刺激!











8年前,在这里… 我们共度了数月的美好旅程。



曾经住过的寝室,当年的快乐回忆,永留心中… …

她可爱吧? 是个活泼爱笑的宝宝! *想念*




然后再回到上海… …


我在上海吃过最好吃的汤包: 佳佳汤包,乘早光顾以免失望。


上海“地标”: 东方明珠塔,夜间散发光芒。

这就是我的快乐重游记… 上海、杭州,我们后会有期!

I believe that sometimes it’s good to pause and track back things you have done, not because you’re unable to move on, but reflection time makes you realise and learn from your mistakes, at the same time better appreciate and treasure those who are and whatever that is a blessing to you.

Backtracking my life recently… Some captured moments to share.

Hearty meal with the fun bunch before watching Thor on a public holiday.

It’s mothers’ day dinner on our anniversary, lovely combo.

Impressive I call it, Tea Kungfu!

The pinkies celebrating mummy’s day.

I was accused as 不孝女 (unfilial daughter) cos I ate the drumstick. LOL!!

SMILE!~it’s happy mummy’s day!

Well of course there should always be things to look forward ahead, like now, I’m super excited about my holiday!! I’ll be jetting off on Sunday with my good friend, where we’ll be having a bash with another buddy over at Shanghai and finally catching up with long-missed friends over at Hangzhou!

Plan something to look forward to, and KEEP SMILING on your way there.

A surprise that melts my heart.


I’m truly grateful for all the rocking good times, and some lovely moments captured. Like this one:

默契. Hee!

And our delicious moments… chomp chomp chomp!!!

We gobbled them all @Most Original Burgers.

More love! 🙂

Why do I have so many adventurous friends who decide to set up their own business?

Such big dreams have never cross my mind. No doubt I WANT TO BE RICH, but maybe the only “big dream” I ever had is to strike Toto or lottery. The irony is I hardly gamble. So I guess I’ve to slog my entire life at work in order to be less poor (and not even near rich).

Anyway, my point here is to share the joy of seeing another, not one but another two friends turned boss! These two fashionistas are on their way to create their very own mens fashion label EMPIRE… Woah!!!

If you’re a guy who cares about how you look, you gota check this out:
Wanderwonder @Parco Marina Bay at Millenia Walk, level 2

Quick go peep at their webby http://www.wander-wonder.com/

It’s always great to meet amazing companion over a weekend, just chill, catching up and hang around, of course plus a bit of happy boozing for me. Last Sat I made my first visit to this place called Books Cellar, yeah not wine but BOOKS cellar. Awww~ I like the furnishing of this place, and if you’re there to chill with friends, you gota check out the back area of the cafe where the pool table is… AWESOME.

Just chill. 🙂

Last Friday, we threw a farewell party for Mister Weng at Zouk Winebar.

Total boozing: 40 Illusion shots + 3 bottles of Johnnie Walker. And whole night long we were playing some no brainer games like “Shark Attack” (on Seb’s I-phone) and some “Shouting Number” game… seriously not worth explaining the mechanics here, hur hur~ But, we all had fun!!

Sharks! We booze-d like mad again. 🙂

Hosted my first road show in Johor Bahru one weekend, at a newly opened mall – KLC City, where our morning show DJ Kaiying and a tv actress shared how they shed (a lot of) weight as the spokesperson of Theresa Beauty.

With the duo who lost weight and gained confidence.

Following are some very outdated photos (as you can see there’s a xmas tree, haha) and they are taken during the opening of my good friend’s SECOND restaurant, Gurney Drive @Suntec City. In fact, they are celebrating their 1-year anniversary of the first outlet@AMK Jubilee this Wed and offering a 50% off 2nd dish deal!!

Check out the 50% offer @Gurney Drive, AMK Jubilee!

Watch out for this space. Will update as there are new happenings in my life or when I dig out more outdated photos. LOL

Yes I’ve been busy. Yes this is an excuse. No actually I’ve been really busy. Yes I could have made time.

Anyway, NO I have not abandoned this blog space, so here are some photos to share!

Nice view huh? Check out Kudeta @MBS Sky Garden and Sentosa Boardwalk!

Prawning is fun! It was my first time and I think I will go prawning again. 🙂

Not forgetting Aunty V’s usual feast invitation, this time round we had ramen and it was awesome!! And we spent a weekend at Johor Bahru (where I had to host a road show), and found out that it’s cheaper to catch a movie there. We watched Rango, not fantastic but still worth watching. The graphics were amazing and Johnny Depp rox!

Yes yes more to share soon!

Have been feeling the love since xmas last year, then ushered into a brand new 20-eleven with beautiful hopes and wishes.

Followed by CNY – my favourite festival since I was a kid. Though I’m starting to feel bad about taking ang baos at my age (hur hur…), but still enjoying the cozy get-together times. This year, we had a hopping good time from weeks before CNY and throughout the joyous season.

Gong hei, gong hei with LOVE.

Valentine’s Day has just passed. I believe that every V-day is special in its own way, and this year’s was special because it’s a very significant day for a long-time good friend. 140211 – Presenting to you Mr and Mrs Fam!

I do, I do with love.

2010 was amazing for me, including Christmas. No loud parties nor crazy drinking, just… LOVE . FAMILY . FRIENDS

Countdown to Xmas 2010 together.

A red-green-themed Xmas lunch with pals for a long long time.

KTV on Boxing Day with another bunch of long-time pals.

Xmas gathering with dearest family.

Not forgetting after Xmas, we had the last celebration of the <BIG THREE> for the guys. We had an overdose of sashimi and tempura while celebrating Tom’s entrance to “manhood” (haha…)

30 is the way to go! Happy Birthday Tom.

HAPPY 2011! May peace, love and happiness be with you the whole year round. 🙂